14th Best Kitten
RW Tropikoons Flirtini of Cascademtn Brown Classic Torbie with White
Maine Coon
Breeder: Stephanie Boulter
Owner: Susan and Blair Milburn Photo(c)
Congratulations to you for such
a successful show season! I am so grateful that you showed
Flirt and achieved this awesome title for her.
From, Stephanie
15th Best Kitten
RW Ragalong Wind Drifter Seal Point/Bicolor Ragdoll
Breeder/Owner: Alan and Marilyn McCorkindale Photo(c)Tetsu
Sponsored by Ragalong Ragdolls
16th Best Kitten
RW Kuriliangem Red Nikita Red Kurlian Bobtail Longhair
Breeder: Alex and Dasha Marinets
Owner: Lesley Grainger
Congratulations from Hoaloha Persians
17th Best Kitten
RW Legendtales Jezebel Brown Spotted Tabby Pixiebob
Breeder: Amy Peterson
Owner: Amy Peterson, Sarah Mangefeste and Cornelia Schofield Photo(c) Helmi
Sponsored by Pacific Northwest
18th Best Kitten
RW Cascademtn Blackhawk Black Maine Coon
Breeder/Owner: Susan/Blair Milburn
19th Best Kitten
RW Dramatails I am Legend Lavender and White Selkirk Rex
Breeder: Lucy Robinson and Meagan Avants
Owner: Susan Silva Photo(c) Starrlight
for the purple cat!
Sponsored by Legendtales Pixiebobs
20th Best Kitten
RW Morado Betty Boop of Wallycats Brown (Black) Classic Tabby with
White Persian
Breeder: Gabrielle Moore
Owner: Roma Anthony and Gabrielle Moore