2022-23 Member of the Year
Cats   LH Cats   SH Cats   Kittens   Alters   Household Pets  HHPK    Breed Winners   Junior Exhibitors   Outstanding Dam
Outstanding Sire   Lifetime Achievement   Member OTY   Humanitarian OTY   Sportsman OTY   Best Catalog   Best Show

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Julie Laney

Julie is always there to help with the promotion of TICA. She and her faily have contributed to the clubs by offering and helping setup and teardown the shows. Whenever there is a need for clerks and stewards, she steps up to clerk and has her kids be stewards. She is an asset to TICA and the Northwest region.

Copyright TICA NW Region (c) 2023 - v.041522.835
TICA NW Region is recognized by the US IRS as a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation - EIN 35-2683893